Monday, January 21, 2008

Market Timing model: Timing Cube

Despite the negative connotation, we at Crush the Market wholeheartedly believe in MARKET TIMING. Today, we feature a subscription-based black-box timing model, Timing Cube. If you visit their website, they have all sorts of timing products, but we'd like to show the market-crushing results of timing the Nasdaq 100 long only:

2007: 2.6%
2006: 12.7%
2005: 12.2%
2004: 17.0%
2003: 49.1%
2002: 6.4%
2001: 30.1%
2000: 28.1%
1999: 104.6%
1998: 105.0%
1997: 32.8%
1996: 44.6%
1995: 40.1
1994: 8.8%
1993: 11.5%
1992: 18.1%
1991: 65%
1990: 12.9%
1989: 26.2%

More results are available at their website, along with more strategies.

Speaking of market timing, everyone times the market. I suspect that with the Dow futures down 350 points this morning, a lot of people will be using fear and panic, instead of a strategy, to time the market tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An interesting article on market timing can be found at